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4th Edition

    Last Name

    First Name


    CIN number or "Passport number

    Date of birth

    Place of birth

    Mailing address



    Phone number


    Website (if available)

    Social networks (if available)

    How did you find out about the call for applications?

    Have you ever applied for Prix Mustaqbal ?

    If yes, how many times and in which editions?

    Have you participated in an artist residency at Jardin Rouge/Montresso* Art Foundation ?

    Have you participated in an artistic competition/call for applications?

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    Please use the field below to paste the link of the Wetransfer share (if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us by email or by phone)

    Contact us

    +212 5 22 98 68 71

    4, Rue Al Imam Mouslim-Oasis- Casablanca

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